Wednesday, January 23, 2013



AGHORA  RUDRA   ----- Selfless one and the supreme consciousness -- Modern Day adage to the ageless answer to who am i ????

Aghora is not a ferocious one , nor a filthy , nor an obstinate person or Yogi . He is the truth , the simplicity of all is god and the essence of supreme consciousness . An accomplished one pervades all truth and all forms of energies and is the pinnacle of the supreme consciousness . Maha Kall / Kaal Bhairav is the Manifestations for the physical comprehensions and worhsip of Kaal Bhairav / Bhairav sadhana leads the person to the true light of the nature beyond which there is nothing to see or accomplish .

Bhairav sadhana is meant for people who are dedicated and also non comprising on  faith and the the true desire to see the supreme light . Comes with it great power , energies and significant control of nature and the elements .

The one answer to all is AHM BRAHAMSHMI and the simple question is we are all elements of the supreme and our quest should be to seek it and remain in the state of supreme self .

We  worship Rudra in the Tantra way and assist devotees in understanding the self , and also assist them in finding solutions to their hurdles by virtue of Bhairav /Rudra sadhanas

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VP Sujith - Chief Priest -

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